Returns Policy:

All returns must be authorized by the Pyramid Technologies Customer Service Department - call (480) 507-0088, write, e-mail, or fax for an authorization to return product (RMA).

All returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee.
Return authorizations expire 30 days from the date issue

Any product can be returned for inspection, however, credits are typically issued for goods purchased within 30 Days and returned in "like new" condition or manufacturer warranty repairs within 90 Days from date of sale.

Product received that does not meet the proper criteria for credit will be returned back to the customer. A Customer Service Representative will call the customer to discuss product return options. During the warranty period, manufacturer will pay all outbound ground freight charges to the owner’s location. Special handling or shipping charges must be assumed by the owner.

IMPORTANT: Certain product purchased from Pyramid Technologies is identifiable with a Serial Number. This number is used for product warranty and specific identification purposes. If the product being returned has a serial number on it, it must be provided to the Customer Service Representative when requesting the RMA.

Damaged Shipments And Shortages:
All claims for shortage, damage, etc. must be made within ten (10) business days.

Unavoidable Delays and Acts of God:
We make every effort to ensure your order is shipped complete and on-time. Delivery time can be affected by circumstances beyond our control, such as a raw material shortage or a dock strike. Some of our suppliers close down for 2 or 4 weeks in the summer. We make every effort to maintain adequate inventories in our distribution centers to allow for the unexpected. However, shortages of raw materials or surges in demand may deplete our stock.   In such cases, we will continue to give you the best possible service. We cannot be liable for delays resulting from Acts of God or any other circumstances beyond our control.

Shipping & Returns Policy is subject to change.