For Apex to accept new currencies or a new style of note, there are strict requirements for the currency sets used during development. This is to maximize quality and reduce the chance of having to modify the firmware’s acceptance after the initial release. The quality of the currency used for development directly impacts the performance of the firmware.
For each denomination or style of banknote (often there are old and new styles for the same denomination), there must be a minimum of 40 pieces provided. The Apex can accept bills up to 72mm wide. The Platinum accepts bills up to 78 mm wide.
Bills must consist of a balanced assortment, ranging from older (well-circulated, “street-grade”) to newly printed (uncirculated or very recently put into circulation). All bills must be free from holes, tears, ink marks, stains, or other damage which exceeds the typical amount of wear, fading, or accumulation of dirt from handling.
All bill denominations or styles are necessary, /even those which are not to be accepted/*.* This is necessary to guarantee rejection of those notes which are to be excluded from the firmware. There can be exceptions to this rule depending on the length, width, or design characteristics of the bills which are to be rejected by the firmware. Most banknotes are not designed for machine recognition, so it is our policy to take every measure possible to ensure the best possible performance of our firmware.
*PTI will not develop firmware unless the currency sets meet the above criteria.
We can be quite flexible in the arrangements for customer-supplied development banknotes. PTI can often purchase some or all of the currency or apply it as payment for acceptor orders. Otherwise, the currency can be used for development and then returned to the customer upon completion.